Alliance Churches
Blessed Hope
Christian Faith Center
Cornerstone Church
In Christ United
Jesus in
the City
Kingdom Embassy Church
Lighthouse Christian Church
Mercy Road Church at The Crossroads
New Life Elmira
Real Church
River of Life
The Father’s House
Words of Grace
& Benefits
- Spiritual covering – a loving arm of encouragement and support
- Ordination and licensing for the staff team
- 20% discount on member’s dues
- Pastoral Support – calls, Regional Gatherings, e-newsletter, etc
- Church consulting and leadership training upon request
- IMF can recommend guest speakers for weekend worship, special events, retreats
- Retirement planning – 403(b)(9) for staff team
- Network of church leaders building relationships
- Unscripted with IMF Leadership Podcast
- Seal of membership for your church website
- The church is listed on the IMF website
- Discount on resources through our ministry partners
- Group rates on conferences/events
- Exclusive Alliance Church Gathering
- Travel expense allowance for IMF conferences
- Two Zoom calls annually for Alliance Church pastors
- Personal coaching for pastor(s)
- The pastor of Alliance Church is a voting member for IMF Board nominees
- One IMF Alliance Church pastor represented in a seat on IMF Board
- $99 Application fee
- 1% donation/fee of annual income to IMF
- 1Fill out the Application below
- 2Complete the Application and pay the one time fee of $99 online
- 3 Phone or Virtual Meeting with IMF Director of Strategic Partnerships and Church Representative
- 4 Finalize submission of documents
- 5Review Application by IMF Team
- 6Virtual Meeting with IMF Team and Church Representative(s)
- 7The approval and onboarding process begins
Need to Renew?
Existing Alliance Churches will renew annually
I was privileged to join IMF in 2002. Without a doubt, IMF is an exceptional support ministry! Staff are very responsive & efficient, with any requests I have made. I have been so blessed by the encouragement for my nursing home ministry. Being a member of IMF is one of the biggest blessings of my life!
Becky Albright
Credentials from IMF have equipped me and many others to work in fields of ministry around the globe. Read of some of the work accomplished by our members, of the great variety of types of preparation and positions that support their devotion to The Great Commission. None of us work alone. God has blessed us with this agency to help us in many ways.
Carol Collins
Civilian Chaplain
I have been an ordained member of IMF for 23 years and have always found them to be supportive of my ministry through prayer, informational articles that impact my ministry and life and an overall caring and loving attitude. Many at IMF have personally reached out to help me regarding various aspects of my ministry and I am so thankful to have them walk beside me in my ministry.
Randy Mayfield
General Member
I had a number of reasons why I decided that joining IMF would be for endorsement ONLY. The process was rather cumbersome and cost unaffordable. I joined and remained on the edge as I listened out to God on why I ended up with IMF. The icing on the cake for me was the IMF Chaplaincy Training! To be a member just to be part of this gathering of spirit filled ministers is definitely worthwhile. The entire training, from cocktail – which I had actually dreamt about, to the tour, was Holy Spirit charged and the energy was great.
Omolola Omoteso
Military Chaplain
I have appreciated the availability of staff to help me with difficulties. The support during the past year and a half through zoom have been helpful and encouraging.
June Friesen
General Member
This group of men and women have been, and are family. As my myself and my wife went through major hospitalization last year, the IMF team were following our recovery coming alongside us with so much prayer support and love.
I have made some lifelong friendships and it has been under two years that I joined the family. I am particularly moved by how much love and support there is ongoing with active duty people in uniform. The Holy Spirit has convicted me in serving God through jails, drug and alcohol treatment centers and those caught up in Sex/Human Trafficking. This domestic mission will eventually expand regionally and beyond.
Michael Scott Hume
Civilian Chaplain
Faith Promise
IMF is supported, almost exclusively, by its members. As such, we ask each of our members to support IMF on a monthly basis as a part of their monthly tithe. They do this by selecting a giving club as a part of their application process. The amounts below reflect a monthly gift.
Giving Clubs
Guardian Angel- $1000
Patron Saint- $500
King David’s Guard of Valor- $100
Joseph’s Storehouse of Grain- $50
The Gideon Club- $25
King Joash’s Treasury Chest- $15
Centurion Guard (required for military and civilian chaplains)- 5% of monthly income
Aaron & Hur- 1% of monthly income
The Lord’s Supply- Another amount that fits your situation best.